Hello, I'm

Nguyễn Thị Trà My

Backend Developer

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My Intro

About Me


7 Months Working


10+ Projects

I am seeking an opportunity as a Backend Developer in a dynamic, fast-paced, and challenging environment. As a soon-to-be graduate with limited experience, I aim to build and enhance my skills in Backend development. My goal is to become a professional programmer with the ability to create innovative and efficient solutions for technical problems while contributing to the success of the organization.
I aspire to apply the latest knowledge and suitable programming languages such as Asp.net core and Java to build reliable and high-performance web applications. I am willing to participate in software development projects, explore new technologies, and continually improve my programming skills to achieve professional growth and success in my career.

Contact Me
My Abilities

My Experience

Frontend Developer













Backend Developer





SQL Server



My Portfolio

Recent Works

All Restful API MVC Other

Platform connecting Learners with Mentors

More Details
  • Technologies: Asp.net core 7 MVC + API, Identity, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server, HTML/CSS/Javascript

  • Team Size: 4 members

  • Role: Leader + Backend

  • Responsibilities:

    • - Developed learner functionalities following the MVC pattern using ASP.NET Core 7.

    • - Authentication and user authorization.

    • - Collaborated with the frontend team and other teams to refine the user interface.

    • - Integrated third-party APIs for payment processing and transaction management.

  • Completion time: 2 months

  • Link: View now

Human Resource Management System

More Detail
  • Technologies: ASP.NET API, Identity, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server, HTML/CSS JavaScript, Vue JS, Tailwind CSS.

  • Team Size: 5 members

  • Role: Leader + Backend

  • Responsibilities:

    • - Developed features for employee and shift management using ASP.NET API.

    • - Authentication and user authorization.

    • - Collaborating with front-end and other teams to integrate the API services with UI

    • - Researched and developed attendance tracking, salary calculation, and insurance calculation functionalities based on the labor laws of Viet Nam.

  • Completion time: 1.5 months

  • Link: View now
LOGIN ACCOUNT (Please do not change the password!)
Account Username Password
Manager Manager@localhost Manager1!
Employee Tramygeo@gmail.com Employee1!

Warehouse Bridge

More Details
  • Technologies: ASP.NET API, Identity, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server, HTML/CSS JavaScript, React JS, Tailwind CSS.

  • Team Size: 3 members

  • Role: Leader + Fullstack

  • Completion time: 1.5 months

  • Link: View now
  • LOGIN ACCOUNT (Please do not change the password!)
    Account Username Password
    Administrator Admin@localhost Admin@123

Book Store Management System

More Details
  • Technologies: Java Servlet MVC, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, MS SQL Server, Sand Box API, Google Sign-in Integration.

  • Team Size: 3 members

  • Role: Leader + Full Stack

  • Completion time: 2 months

  • Link GitHub: View now

Restaurant Management Software

More Details
  • Technologies: C#, Entity Framework, Winform, MS SQL Server.

  • Team Size: 5 members

  • Role: Backend

  • Completion time: 2 weeks

  • Link GitHub: View now
Get in Touch

Contact Me

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Myntt294@gmail.com Write me


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